
Meetup Github

CincyPy is a Cincinnati based group for all things Python. Our mission is to foster:


We try to go to interesting venues and have time scheduled every meetup for unstructured socializing time. Sometimes we even have pizza!


Everyone is welcome at CincyPy, no matter where you come from or who you are. We also try to balance beginner friendly meetings and more advanced topics. We want to share the joy of computing to anyone that is willing.


We want CincyPy to be useful, from sharing tips and tricks to extended talks about Python related topics. CincyPy is a great place to work on your presentation and teaching skills too.

What we like to do:

  • Projects with other members
  • Listen to (or give) a talk about a Python topic
  • Socialize and talk about Python or related tech
  • Meet new friends!

Where we usually meet:

  • Infotrust, in Blue Ash
  • Darkness Brewing, in Bellevue Kentucky
  • Any place that'll have us

How To Join:

Find us on Meetup and Github. We even have a slack channel we can invite you to!